
Texas Tech University Academic Calendar

Texas Tech University Academic Calendar
Texas Tech University Academic Calendar

Texas Tech University is a public research university located in Lubbock, Texas, and it offers a wide range of academic programs to its students. The university's academic calendar is designed to provide students with a clear understanding of the important dates and deadlines that they need to be aware of throughout the semester. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Texas Tech University academic calendar, including the key dates and deadlines for the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Academic Calendar Overview

Texas Tech University Academic Calendar 2023 Universitycalendars Net

The Texas Tech University academic calendar is typically divided into three semesters: fall, spring, and summer. The fall semester usually begins in late August and ends in mid-December, while the spring semester starts in mid-January and ends in early May. The summer semester is divided into two shorter sessions, with the first session starting in early June and the second session starting in early July. Each semester has its own set of important dates and deadlines, including the first day of classes, last day of classes, finals week, and graduation dates.

Fall Semester Calendar

The fall semester at Texas Tech University typically begins on the fourth Monday in August and ends on the second Friday in December. Some of the key dates and deadlines for the fall semester include:

  • First day of classes: Fourth Monday in August
  • Last day to add or drop a course: End of the second week of classes
  • Midterm exams: Mid-October
  • Thanksgiving break: Last week in November
  • Finals week: Second week in December
  • Graduation: Second Friday in December

Spring Semester Calendar

The spring semester at Texas Tech University usually starts on the second Monday in January and ends on the first Friday in May. Some of the key dates and deadlines for the spring semester include:

  • First day of classes: Second Monday in January
  • Last day to add or drop a course: End of the second week of classes
  • Midterm exams: Mid-March
  • Spring break: First week in March
  • Finals week: Last week in April
  • Graduation: First Friday in May

Summer Semester Calendar

The summer semester at Texas Tech University is divided into two shorter sessions. The first session usually starts in early June and ends in mid-July, while the second session starts in mid-July and ends in late August. Some of the key dates and deadlines for the summer semester include:

  • First day of classes for the first session: Early June
  • Last day to add or drop a course for the first session: End of the first week of classes
  • Finals for the first session: Mid-July
  • First day of classes for the second session: Mid-July
  • Last day to add or drop a course for the second session: End of the first week of classes
  • Finals for the second session: Late August
SemesterFirst Day of ClassesLast Day of ClassesFinals WeekGraduation
FallFourth Monday in AugustSecond Friday in DecemberSecond week in DecemberSecond Friday in December
SpringSecond Monday in JanuaryFirst Friday in MayLast week in AprilFirst Friday in May
Summer (first session)Early JuneMid-JulyMid-JulyN/A
Summer (second session)Mid-JulyLate AugustLate AugustN/A
Texas Tech Academic Calendar 2025 25 Andrew A Tulaba
💡 It's essential for students to stay up-to-date with the academic calendar to ensure they don't miss any important dates or deadlines. Students can find the most current and accurate information on the Texas Tech University website or by contacting the university's registrar's office.

Registration and Enrollment

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Registration and enrollment for classes at Texas Tech University typically occur several weeks before the start of each semester. Students can register for classes online through the university’s website or in person at the registrar’s office. It’s crucial for students to meet the registration deadlines to ensure they can enroll in the classes they need.

Registration Deadlines

The registration deadlines for each semester are as follows:

  • Fall semester: Late July
  • Spring semester: Late November
  • Summer semester: Late May for the first session and late June for the second session

Academic Policies and Procedures

Texas Tech University has various academic policies and procedures in place to ensure students succeed in their studies. Some of these policies include:

  • Attendance policy: Regular attendance is expected of all students, and excessive absences can negatively impact a student’s grades.
  • Academic integrity policy: Students are expected to maintain the highest level of academic integrity, and any instances of academic dishonesty can result in severe penalties.
  • Grading policy: The university uses a letter grading system, with grades ranging from A to F.

What is the first day of classes for the fall semester?


The first day of classes for the fall semester is typically the fourth Monday in August.

How do I register for classes at Texas Tech University?


Students can register for classes online through the university’s website or in person at the registrar’s office.

What is the deadline for registration for the spring semester?


The registration deadline for the spring semester is typically late November.

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