
Livingston Tx Weather: Forecast Alerts Today

Livingston Tx Weather: Forecast Alerts Today
Livingston Tx Weather: Forecast Alerts Today

Located in the eastern part of Texas, Livingston is a city that experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. The city's weather is influenced by its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, which brings warm, humid air from the southeast. Understanding the weather patterns in Livingston is essential for residents and visitors alike, especially when it comes to planning daily activities and preparing for potential weather-related events.

Current Weather Conditions

The current weather conditions in Livingston, TX, can be described as warm and humid, with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to the mid-80s (°F) throughout the year. The relative humidity is typically high, especially during the summer months, with an average relative humidity of 64%. The city receives an average of 48 inches of rainfall per year, with the majority of it falling during the spring and summer months.

Forecast Alerts Today

As of today, the weather forecast for Livingston, TX, indicates a high chance of scattered thunderstorms, with a temperature high of 85°F and a low of 68°F. The wind is expected to blow at a moderate speed of 10 mph, with a 50% chance of precipitation. Residents and visitors are advised to stay alert and monitor the weather forecast regularly, as the weather conditions can change rapidly.

Weather MetricCurrent Value
Relative Humidity60%
Wind Speed10 mph
Precipitation Chance50%
💡 It's essential to stay informed about the weather forecast, especially during severe weather events, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash floods, which can occur in Livingston, TX. Residents and visitors can stay up-to-date with the latest weather forecast and alerts through various weather apps, websites, and social media platforms.

Seasonal Weather Patterns

Livingston, TX, experiences four distinct seasons, each with its unique weather patterns. The spring season, which runs from March to May, is characterized by mild temperatures, with average highs in the mid-70s to low 80s (°F). The summer season, which runs from June to August, is hot and humid, with average highs often reaching the mid-90s (°F). The fall season, which runs from September to November, is generally mild, with average highs in the mid-70s to low 80s (°F). The winter season, which runs from December to February, is cool, with average highs in the mid-50s to low 60s (°F).

Livingston, TX, is prone to various weather-related events, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash floods. Thunderstorms are common during the spring and summer months, bringing heavy rainfall, strong winds, and hail. Tornadoes can occur during the spring and summer months, although they are relatively rare. Flash floods can occur during heavy rainfall events, especially in low-lying areas.

Residents and visitors can prepare for these events by staying informed about the weather forecast, having a emergency plan in place, and taking necessary precautions, such as seeking shelter during severe weather events.

Weather Alerts and Warnings

The National Weather Service (NWS) issues weather alerts and warnings for Livingston, TX, to inform residents and visitors of potential weather-related hazards. These alerts and warnings include:

  • Tornado Watch: Issued when conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop.
  • Tornado Warning: Issued when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by radar.
  • Flash Flood Watch: Issued when conditions are favorable for flash flooding to occur.
  • Flash Flood Warning: Issued when flash flooding is imminent or occurring.
💡 It's essential to understand the different types of weather alerts and warnings, as well as the actions to take during each event. Residents and visitors can stay informed about the latest weather alerts and warnings through various weather apps, websites, and social media platforms.

What is the average temperature in Livingston, TX, during the summer months?


The average temperature in Livingston, TX, during the summer months is around 94°F (34°C), with highs often reaching the mid-90s (°F) and lows in the mid-70s (°F).

What is the best way to stay informed about the weather forecast in Livingston, TX?


The best way to stay informed about the weather forecast in Livingston, TX, is through various weather apps, websites, and social media platforms, such as the National Weather Service (NWS),, and AccuWeather.


The common weather-related events in Livingston, TX, include thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash floods, which can occur during the spring and summer months.

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